Activities in 2024
Erasmus+ program Cooperation partnerships in adult education project “The Network of European Bagpipers”, agreement Nr. 2022-1-LV01-KA220-ADU-000087403

Biedrība “Suitu kultūras mantojums” no 2022.gada septembra līdz 2024.gada augustam īsteno Erasmus plus programmas Sadarbības partnerību projektu “Eiropas dūdenieku sadarbības tīkls” (The Network of European Bagpipers). Biedrība projektā ir vadošais partneris, sadarbības partneri ir dažādas organizācijas, kas saistītas ar dūdu tradīcijas izpēti, praktizēšanu un/ vai dūdu izgatavošanu no Horvātijas (Centre of Croatian traditional instruments), Itālijas (Associazione culturale Multietnica), Spānijas (Asociacion Gaiteros de Graus), Slovākijas (Cech slovenskych gajdosov) un Gruzijas (V.Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire). Projektā tiks izveidots plašs sadarbības tīkls, kurā tiks iesaistītti tradicionālās mūzikas, īpaši dūdu tradīcijas, praktizētāji, speciālisti, pētnieki un ikviens interesents, lai tā rezultātā popularizētu un nodotu nākamajām paaudzēm šo bagāto kultūras mantojumu. Projektā tiks īstenoti pieredzes apmaiņas braucieni, organizēti virtuāli un klātienes mācību kursi, darbnīcas un meistarklases, semināri un nelieli koncerti partnervalstīs. Papildus partneri izveidos vairākus izglītojošus materiālus, kas būs publiski pieejami ikvienam interesentam par dūdu tradīciju. Projekta kopējais finansējums no Eiropas Komisijas 120000 eur.
Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) – knowledge, practices and traditions of European citizens – is an essential part of Europe’s common cultural heritage, perhaps the most important. And traditional music is one of its brightest, most popular and visible areas.
Six organisations from different European countries, joined by similar objectives – to safeguard and to promote specific part of ICH (bagpipes playing and making tradition) have joined forces to strengthen both the capacity of their staff and organizations and to promote the knowledge and skills of their target groups, practitioners of ICH , in parallel with the specific goals of the project: promoting more active community activities and the formation of a more inclusive society.
Project partners are:
Suiti Cultural Heritage Foundation (Latvia) – Coordinating partner;
Centre of Croatian traditional instruments (Croatia);
Associazione culturale Multietnica (Italy);
Asociación Gaiteros de Graus (Spain);
Cech slovenskych gajdosov (Slovakia);
V. Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire (Georgia)
The main project objective will be achieved through various project activities, implementing the project in a diverse and effective way: project partners’ staff and practitioners training events in all partner countries, educational materials (intellectual outputs) created in the project such as:
- Good practise examples booklet;
- Online summary of methodologies and approaches;
- Online training course.
Different activities (publications in websites, social networks, media etc. and informative seminars) are also envisaged to to ensure the dissemination of project results to as many target groups and stakeholders as possible.
The project will set up a European network of bagpipers, involving both the partner organizations themselves and practitioners of ICH, as well as other local and national level cooperation organizations, raising their competencies in nonformal adult education. The project will enable people from very different European countries to work together, thus raising their awareness of Europe’s common cultural heritage and strengthening their sense of belonging to it, as well as to their communities.
Project duration is from 01.09.2022 – 31.08.2024.
EEA and Norwegian financial instruments project “Strengthening the capacity of the “Suiti Cultural Heritage Foundation”, administrated by Active Citizens Fund
From January 1 till April 30, 2024, Suiti Cultural Heritage Foundation implements the EEA and Norwegian financial instruments project “Strengthening the capacity of the “Suiti Cultural Heritage Foundation” to operate on an international scale”.
Main activities:
– creating the content of the website in English;
– activities to strengthen the capacity of cooperation networks (experience exchange trip to Norwegian and local organizations);
– English language course with specialization in the terminology of the ICH field;
– creation of an integrated marketing communication strategy; consultation.
Total project budget 19989.61 eur.