Activities in 2022
State Culture Capital Fund (SCCF) financed project Support for the activity of the Suiti Cultural Heritage Foundation in a three-year period (for 2022-2024).
Strategic partnerships project of the Erasmus+ program with partners from Ireland, Spain, Sweden and Slovakia One voice-many stories; storytelling as a vehicle for social inclusion and active citizenship, which will be implemented until 31.08.2023. In this project, the association learns from cooperation partners examples of good practice and methods for the implementation of storytelling activities in different countries, involving in the project its target groups of public benefit – people with disabilities and persons who have exceeded the working age. This project successfully complements the society’s local storytelling activities.

Cooperation partnership project of the Erasmus+ program with partners from Slovakia, Spain, Georgia, Croatia and Italy The Network of European Bagpipers, in which a European network of cooperation networks of bagpipers is created for the exchange of good practice experience, to create educational materials for practitioners, as well as organized trainings. The association is the leading partner in the project, implementation period 01.09.2022. – 31.08.2024.
The project 5. Latvian bagpipers’ gathering in Suiti region on August 6-7, 2022. Bagpipe enthusiasts from all over Latvia have gathered in the center of the Suiti district in Alsunga for a two-day event to increase their knowledge of the bagpipe tradition, their playing and the making of the instrument under the guidance of experts, as well as to perform together in the Suiti region.

SCCF Kurzeme cultural program funded project Suiti Crafts Day 2022 in Alsunga on August 17, 2022. At the event, new craft skills and knowledge were learned from the Suiti craft masters in 12 workshops, as well as an exhibition of the works of workshop managers and participants was organized.
Latvian National Centre for Culture (LNCC) co-financed project Suiti Cultural Heritage Foundation activities for the preservation and popularization of Suiti cultural heritage in 2022.
SCCF co-financed project Strengthening the administrative capacity of the Society for the implementation of international activities.
Co-operation with Suiti ethnographic ensembles and folklore groups Suitu sievas, Suitu vīri and Suitu dūdenieki in the organization of the event School Bag and other performances.