Activities in 2020
The project co-financed by LNCC Suiti Cultural Heritage Foundation activities for the preservation and popularization of the Suiti cultural heritage in 2020 with various activities for the preservation and promotion of cultural values of the Suiti:
– Events for the promotion of traditional bagpipe playing in the Suiti region: training, purchase of two bagpipes, master classes and playing with the bagpipe and drum group Auļi;
– The book Suiti was published, intended for children; its content is related to the Suiti cultural heritage, thus expanding to them and their parents knowledge of the Suiti culture in an engaging way for the children and promoting their sense of belonging and local patriotism;
– Developing and publishing the content of the Latvian-Suiti dictionary on the website, which contributes to the preservation and promotion of the rapidly disappearing Suiti dialect.

A project co-financed by the State Culture Capital Fund Activities for the Promotion of Suiti Crafts, in which leather processing, folk costume detail cranch production and bead knitting classes were organized;
The project co-financed by the State Culture Capital Fund Replenishment of folk costumes of the Alsunga ethnographic ensemble “Suitu sievas”, in which the members of the ensemble were able to purchase several parts of the folk costume, made by the Suiti craftsmen;
A project with the financial support of the State Culture Capital Fund and the Alsunga Municipality, as well as partial self-financing by the participants themselves The Second Latvian Bagpipes Workshop and the Third Latvian bagpipers’ gathering in Suiti region. The project organized four bagpipe making training workshops, in which seven participants made their own bagpipes. The Third Meeting of Latvian bagpipers in Suiti region was held, in which 20 bagpipers participated. Two free public bagpipe concerts took place in Alsunga, which were watched by about 150 visitors.

In December 2020, the implementation of the Strategic Partnerships project of the Erasmus+ program with partners from Ireland, Spain, Sweden and Slovakia One voice-many stories; storytelling as a vehicle for social inclusion and active citizenship;
European Union Funds Operational Program Growth and Employment No. Support for reducing early school leaving project Suiti youth can!, which was launched in 2019 – 2020, but due to Covid -19 was completed in 2021.
Production, promotion and sale of the local souvenirs with the aim of popularizing Suiti culture and promoting local patriotism of Suiti people.
Co-operation with the Suiti ethnographic ensembles and folklore groups Suitu sievas, Suitu vīri and Suitu dūdenieki in the organization of the event School Bag and other performances.