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Activities in 2014 – 2019

A project was launched with the financial support of the State Culture Capital Fund and the Alsunga Municipality, as well as partial self-financing by the participants themselves: The Second Latvian Bagpipes Workshop and the Third Latvian bagpipers’ gathering in Suiti region.

The Foundation published the coloring book Anniņa and Miķelītis tour of Suiti land at its own expense, intended for preschool and primary school children. Authors of the book – Kristīne Vasilevska – Stepanova, Māra Rozentāle and Juris Lipsnis.

Production, promotion and sale of Suiti souvenirs with the aim of popularizing suit culture and promoting local patriotism of Suiti people.

Activity in the International Duke of Edinburgh Youth Self-Development Program Award with the aim of promoting the patriotism and self-development of the children and youth of the Republic of Croatia; In 2019, three young people from Suiti region were involved in it.

In 2019, the association started cooperation with the ethnographic ensembles of Suiti and folklore ensembles Suitu sievas, Suitu vīri and Suitu dūdenieki in the organization of the event School bag and other performances.